Hello GATE EC Aspirant, Cracking the GATE Exam is the target for many aspirants. If you follow important guidelines, you can reach the goal easily. Here we are providing the list of books that cover the GATE syllabus. GATE Syllabus for Electronics & Communication is having hundreds of topics and there are many books which are available for the same subject, so the selection of a book is a very important role for you. We are going to recommend you the best books which are sufficient for GATE preparation.Here we provide the best books for GATE 2018 Exam preparation based on the following important considerations.
- Strictly covers the GATE syllabus
- Easy to learn and understand the concepts
- Popularity and Standard book
- Recommended by GATE Toppers
Books for GATE Electronics & Communication Engineering (EC)
Analog Circuits:
- Book Name: Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications, Author's Name: Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Edition: 6
- Highlights of the book: Sedra and Smith's Microelectronic Circuits is an all-inclusive book, which serves to detail out the ABC of Analog Circuits in a detailed manner. The concepts are explained clearly and easy to understand.
- Important GATE topics for this subject are: Diode circuits, BJT voltage gain, Op-Amps, and MOS circuits.
- Book Name: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Author's Name: Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Edition: 5
- Highlights of the book: The book is great for circuit analysis in which solved examples are explained step-by-step. Each chapter has an explanation of topics with their practical applicability. It does not matter what is your level in Network theory before reading this book but once you read this book you will have no difficulty in the concepts.
- Important GATE topics for this subject are: Network Theorems, Transients, and Two-Port Networks.
Control Systems
- Book Name: Automatic Control Systems, Author's Name: Benjamin C. Kuo, Edition: 9
- Highlights of the book: Automatic Control Systems by B.C. Kuo is a comprehensive book, which covers all the topics lucidly. The book consists of several diagrams and illustrations to understand the concepts of control systems better.
- Important GATE topics for this subject are: State Space Analysis, Bode Plots, and Root Locus.
Signals & Systems
- Book Name: Signals & Systems, Author's Name: Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S.Willsky, S.Hamid Nawab, Edition: 2
- Highlights of the book: Highlights of the book: This is an effective book on Signals and Systems and all concepts are presented in an attractive manner and deeply explained. A lot of examples are added to clarify the methods and concepts.
- Important GATE topics for this subject are: Convolution, Fourier transform, Z- transform.
Digital Circuits
- Book Name: Digital Logic and Computer Design, Author's Name: M. Morris Mano, Edition: 1
- Highlights of the book: The book is amazing and almost all students and readers like this book for preparing GATE and other exams. It covers most of the topics that aren't found in many books in a simple way.
- Important GATE topics for this subject are: Combinational and sequential circuits, minimization of Boolean expressions.
- Book Name: Principles of Electromagnetics, Author's Name: Mathew N.O. Sadiku, Edition: 4
- Highlights of the book: This is the book that clear the hurdles in understanding the concepts of Electromagnetic Theory. Solved examples are of good quality and useful for GATE exams.
- Important GATE topics for this subject are: Wave equations and properties, Transmission lines, and Wave-guides.
Electronic Devices and Circuits
- Book Name: Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Author's Name: Donald A. Neaman, Dhrubes Biswas, Edition: 4
- Highlights of the book: This book covers all the topics in very simple language with suitable problems along with an explanation. There are a lot of problems for practice which gives complete clarity of concepts.
- Important GATE topics for this subject are: Semiconductor Properties, PN junction, and MOSFET.
Analog and Digital Communication
- Book Name: Principles of Communication Systems, Author's Name: Goutam Saha, Herbert Taub, Donald Schilling, Edition: 3
- Highlights of the book: Principles Of Communication Systems book is a well-respected reference text book in the field of communication systems engineering. Each chapter always begins with an introduction, which links the previous chapter and numerous objective self-test questions are included in each chapter which acts as a self-check of the concepts presented.
- Important GATE topics for this subject are: AM and FM, Random variables, Quantization, and Bit error rate.
Engineering Mathematics
- Mathematics subject can help you for scoring good in GATE. You just require practicing all types of problems and remember formulas and definitions. If you practice well in this subject, your attempting time for mathematics will take less time to answer. Good mathematician always does well in engineering.
- Book Name: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Author's Name: B. S. Grewal, Edition: 43
- Highlights of the book: The ultimate book for basic understanding and approaching problems. For GATE exam preparation, this book enough. Thoroughly explained the proofs of concepts and number of solved examples.
- Important GATE topics for this subject are: Matrices, Calculus, and Probability.
- This is having the easiest section in GATE paper. It is possible to score without having much preparation on it. Practice aptitude at least once during a preparation of GATE.
- Book Name: A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning, Author's Name: R.S. Aggarwal, Edition: Revised
- Highlights of the book: A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning is of great use to students preparing for a number of entrance examinations, whether it be for an MBA or for a job in the Civil Services. One of the primary reasons as to why students should use this book is that it contains a lot of practice questions, some of which come with the hints needed for solving problems. The book also contains solved problems.

- Book Name: Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations, Author's Name: R.S. Aggarwal, Edition: 7
- Highlights of the book: Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations covers every aspect of the numerical ability section of many competitive tests. Numerous examples have been used throughout the book to illustrate the concepts and problem-solving techniques. This book gives the students or candidates a good idea about the kind of questions asked in these exams.
Here's the link below for Official dates of GATE 2018 :
For GATE 2018 Website, click here:
MSP430 Microcontroller Basics (r13 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS syllabus COVERED)
GATE Books for Electronics & Communication Engineering |
SL.NO. | SUBJECT | AUTHOR | 1. | Electronic Devices and Circuits & Analog Electronics– (i) Integrated electronics : Analog and Digital Circuit and system (ii) Microelectronic Circuits (iii) Electronic Devices and Circuits (iv) OP Amp and linear Integrated Circuit (v) Solid State electronic devices
(vi) Semiconductor devices | Jacob Millman & Halkias Sedra & Smith J.B. Gupta Ramakant A.Gayakwad Streetman and Banerjee S.M.Sze | 2. | Communication System(i) Communication System (ii) An introduction to Analog and Digital Communication (iii) Communication System : Analog and Digital (iv) Modern Digital and Analog Communication System (v) Electronic Communication System | Simon Haykins
Simon Haykins Singh and Sapre B.P. Lathi Kennedyand Davis | 3. | Signal and System | Oppenheim and Willsky | 4. | Optical Fiber Communication | Senior | 5. | Satellite Communications | Pratt and Bostian | 6. | Monochrome and colour | R.R. Gulati | 7. | Control System(i) Control System Engg. (ii) Automatic Control System (iii) Linear Control System | I.G. Nagrath & M.Gopal B.C. Kuo B.S. Manke | 8. | Electro Magnetic Theory(i)Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics (ii) Elements of Electromagnetics (iii) Engineering Electromagnetics (iv) Antenna and Wave Propagation | N. N. Rao
Sadiku W.H.Hayt K.D. Prasad | 9. | Digital Electronics(i) Digital Design (ii) Digital Systems (iii) Modern Digital Electronics | M. Morris Mano Tocci & Widmer R. P. Jain | 10. | Computer Engineering(i) Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Application (ii) Computer Organization and Structure | Ramesh S. Gaonkar
Stalling | 11. | Microwave Engineering ((i) Microwave Devices and Circuits (ii) Microwave Engineering (iii) Microwave Engineering | Liao Sanjeev Gupta Pozar | 12. | Network Theory (i) Networks and Systems (ii) Engineering Circuit Analysis | D. Roy Chaudhary Hayt | 13. | Measurement and Instrumentation (i) Electrical & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation (ii) Electronic Instrumentation | A. K. Sahney
H. S. Kalsi |
All the Best!!
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This blog is really helpful for electronics and communication engineering students. For better preparation for the electronics engineering exam. Apart from these books for better preparation, you read also the book MCQ for Electronics Engineering.