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Advertisement is a trusted source of information. Here all information related to GATE, IES, PSUs and other National & State level examination is provided to the students.
If you feel your company / institute / organization offers products / services that could greatly benefit our student visitors or you believe could bring targeted traffic to your website, Please consider purchasing advertising space and becoming our official sponsor!

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Terms & Conditions :
Ad position Grid

Banner Ad package :
S. No. | Ads Position | Ads Size | Price per month |
1. | Top Big Banner | ₹ 1000 | |
2. | Top Banner | 728x90 | ₹750 |
3. | Special Message | Text <150 Words | ₹ 400 |
4. | SPONSOR | ₹ 650 | |
4*. | Below SPONSOR | ₹ 500 | |
5. | Footer Ad in Black | ₹300 | |
6. | Mobile Banner | 320 x 50 | ₹ 100 |
* Note: Not in SPONSOR BOX
Book your Ads Now with Paytm
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Note: After successful payment contact us with mail (click on mail)
Terms & Conditions :
Advertisement Terms :
1. Your ad campaign will appear on home page and every page.
2. We reserve the right to reject ads we seem to be unacceptable for
2. We reserve the right to reject ads we seem to be unacceptable for
Payment Terms :
1. Payment accepted through Paytm only.
2. Full payment for the period booked must be paid before the display of advertisement starts.
3. All advertising prices are in Rupees.
4. Prices may change at any time.
2. Full payment for the period booked must be paid before the display of advertisement starts.
3. All advertising prices are in Rupees.
4. Prices may change at any time.
Refund Policy :
1. Advertisements Fee are non-refundable.
Supply of Material :
1. Simple banners and panels will be designed by us free of cost.
To place your order contact us using below contact form.